1、They want the males to mate with wild females.

2、Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women.

3、It wants to mate but it's also afraid and wants to run away.

4、For them, they come together to mate, and then they go their separate ways.

5、Can be greedy for money all is have a tiny a position in the wager mart, all generally is shopkeeper and cashier to mate to strive for.

6、The first giant pandas to live in Britain for almost two decades are to have a ‘tunnel of love’ to encourage them to mate and a nursery for their offspring, it has emerged.

7、This was contrary to what they had expected based on studies of other species such as fruit flies, where females tend to mate with more than one male to ensure their eggs are fertilised.

8、She said in evolutionary terms it was desirable for a women to mate with a man whose genes were different from hers, as this was likely to produce more robust offspring.