1、gentlemen's agreement on export credit

2、In Japan, such matters would be settled by gentlemen's agreement.

3、In fact, for 2010 a gentlemen's agreement means no team is using it, though that does not mean it may not return in the future.

4、It is a gentlemen's agreement among leading regulators which all countries with international Banks are encouraged to adopt, but which relies on national law for its implementation.

5、There are reports that Ibra has struck a 'gentlemen's agreement' with Milan that he will sign for them should they qualify for the Champions League proper after this month's qualifiers.

6、Sadly, gentlemen's agreements only work between gentlemen.

7、Even before Criscito issued the warning, Genoa President Enrico Preziosi claimed to have reached a “gentlemen's agreement” with Juve, permitting the promising 20-year-old to return to his former home on loan to gain experience if the Bianconeri signed another defender in the summer.

8、Prisoners could even form gentlemen's agreements with the guards, such as not using borrowed tools for escape attempts.