1、I've tried it, and I know.

2、That's true, and I know that's true.

3、But I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand.

4、I know how to fight and I know how to make peace.

5、I know how you live, and I know what the world is like to you.

6、Luckily, I still know how to be grateful, and I know how to be tolerant.

7、I think I have it and I know I have it.

8、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about. I miss you.

9、Then she smiles and I know she's remembering.

10、Oh, I've read about it and I know.

11、Your guard is up and I know why.

12、I have to do more things for Liverpool and I know I can improve.

13、I know you're working around the clock, I know you're doing your best, and I know that sometimes, life can be a struggle.

14、I am not a very good actor either, and I know it, but it is good to know that.

15、I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me.

16、And every time I seethose initials -- AMF -- I see my mom, and I know I am honoring her byhelping others.

17、I graduated from hospitality school, and I know how to treat our customers quickly and properly.

18、SCARLETT: Oh, I could never hate you and, and I know you must

19、I know I was going to be the one left behind. But still I am watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and I know my life is ending.

20、I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.

21、Indeed, I have been a complete ass, and I know it.

22、I paced the path and I know how long it is.

23、I pace the path and I know how long It be

24、I have learned, and I know, that it will not surrender easily.

25、I love him dearly and I know he loves me just as much.

26、I want to keep her happy, though, and I feel a prude -and I know she gets disappointed.

27、I sent for you, De Sota, because I need reliability and secrecy, and I know you're the man.

28、I don't know how to explain it, but mine is a kind of 'faith' in the Serie a, which I play in, and I know I'm so young.

29、" Yang sternly declared, "Heaven knows, earth knows, you know and I know: How can you say no one knows?