1、He tried to shut out the fantasy.

2、It's beginning to shut out some light from the house.

3、Nearly as important is the ability to shut out distractions.

4、He pulled down the blinds to shut out the sunlight.

5、draw the curtains to shut out/let in the sun

6、These walls are not built to shut out problems, you have to face them.

7、Will you prune this bush down? It's beginning to shut out some light from the house.

8、The circle of the mask was large enough now to shut out the vision of anything else.

9、Mother Abbess: Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.

10、Focus is measured by the ability to shut out distractions and place emphasis on what needs to be done in your business to progress forward.

11、The United States has faced years of criticism that regulators have been slow to respond to complaints that Intel used anti-competitive business practices to shut out AMD.

12、For comfort, to shut out the 34 din of the basement, Liesel opened one of her books and began to read.

13、I would observe, by the way, that it costs me nothing for curtains, for I have no gazers to shut out but the sun and moon, and I am willing that they should look in.