1、KMT "Central Political Committee" During 1924-1928;

2、press law under the KMT Government

3、Studies on Culture Policy of Shandong KMT Government (1928-1937);

4、On Negotiations between KMT and CCP During Their Second Collaboration;

5、Several Views About the Central Political Committee of KMT;

6、KMT government's grassroots power construction in a broad historical perspective

7、On the Relations between the KMT Leader Jiang,Jieshirk and the KMT Regional Warlords During the Period of Pre and Post Anti Japanese War;

8、On Constitutional Thoughts of CCP and KMT and Development of Constitutionalism in China;

9、On KMT s Grain Keeping System during the War of Resistance Against Japan;

10、For example, KMT has a card that offers discounts to its members.

11、On the modernization of Cental Bank in the period of KMT Government;

12、Cai Hesen and Gao Junyu s Historic Contributions to the First KMT-Communist Co-operation;

13、Everyone can plainly see that James Soong is honest, the Judicary is fair and that the KMT is dignified.

14、On the Dual Character of the New Warlords of Guangxi in the First Round of Communist-KMT Cooperation;

15、China Communist Party and Kuomintang in Time of Student Movements in KMT-ruled Area of Shaanxi Around Year 1937;

16、On the Inevitability of Collapse of the First KMT-CCP Cooperation From the Angle of Politics of Party;

17、Trial to the Chinese Traitors by the National KMT Government after the Anti-Japanese War (1945~1949);

18、From various cha els of intelligence, I have gathered information that the stock crash was due to manipulation by the KMT.

19、A majority of Daiwanlang support the government's controversial abandonment of the "one China" policy, a public opinion poll commissioned by the ruling KMT said.

20、Choice of Political Ally of the Soviet Union and the Communist International in China and the Establishment of the First United Front between the CCP and the KMT;

21、Second Discussion on the First Cooperation Between the KMT and CCP --From the view of practicing the New Economy Policy in the Soviet Union

22、It was an extremely painful choice for Zhang Junmai,a liberalist,to agree that Democratic and Socialist Party attend the National Congress held by KMT in 1946.The first reason was the embarrassment of the existence for DSP.

23、Therefore, however hard the new president and DPP strive to consolidate their hard-won power, they will be subject tothe strong check and balance from KMT and People First Partyled by James Soong.

24、The second cooperation between the KMT and the CPC and the victory of China s Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression --in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of China s Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression;

25、The epilogue of the text makes summing up and analysis of the multi-layer relations which KMT and CCP dealed with in developing rural cooperation, and this part presents the conclusion of this paper.

26、After the KMT relocated to Taiwan, Wu Guojian assumed the chairmanship of the Taiwan Provincial Government at the end of 1949, and Tian Yongqian was naturally invited to serve as the chief secretary.

27、Misfortune may prove to be a blessing in disguise, as the saying goes. Should the defeated KMT be able to earnestly examine how it failed and correct its mistakes and errors, there can still be chances for it to stage a comeback someday.

28、"It is now indisputable that the in-fighting between James Soong and Lien Chan within KMT made it possible for Chen Shui-bian, presidential candidate of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to come to power with a narrow margin of majority votes."

29、But, due to war trophies of the Soviet Union, chaos caused by war and artificial destruction, the KMT government evedreci only one part of the property for war reparations, which was not as valuable as billions of dollars like consideration of Japanese representatives.

30、《当代俚语词典》的著者托尼•索恩(TonyThorne)说,对于在校的孩子们而言,诸如LOL和KMT(kissmyteeth,吻我之齿。 用于某人说了愚蠢的话或错了愚蠢的事)等首字母缩写词是一种密语,一种归属的象征。