1、LDAP is another example.

2、You can use any LDAP that implements LDAP V3 protocol.

3、LDAP V3-compliant directory servers.

4、Start the LDAP directory server.

5、Enable LDAP security if necessary.

6、Configure LDAP as user registry.

7、LDAP failover is supported directly.

8、This means LDAP treats names as strings.

9、Choose LDAP as an active user registry.


11、The next section discusses LDAP syntax.

12、Host - LDAP server host, defaults to localhost.

13、Now configure the slave KDC with the two LDAP master servers and three LDAP replica servers.

14、For more information on the LDAP directory backup commands, please refer to the LDAP manuals.

15、The LDAP authentication provider handles all communication with your back-end LDAP directory.

16、The term "LDAP schema" usually refers to the collection of LDAP attributes and objectclasses.

17、Please consult your LDAP documentation on how to install and configure the LDAP server.

18、LDAP is an industry standard protocol for accessing directory servers.

19、LDAP bind password information is stored in this file.

20、Most LDAP directories can enforce an adequate password policy.

21、LDAP was designed to allow for a master/replica configuration.

22、Import the portalusers.ldif file from the Download section into your LDAP to create the LDAP Directory Tree.

23、This paper gives the concept and character of LDAP directory service, presents the applications of LDAP service on PKI.


25、The OID in Figure 13 points to an LDAP syntax that is used to store strings in an LDAP directory.

26、In the above sections, you added the LDAP directories with default values and without customizing any LDAP attributes.


28、You can import the user directory list from the LDAP directory in to the CM system using a tool called the LDAP user import tool.

29、It USES improved mechanism of certificate revocation status and optimized data structure of LDAP directory and LDAP connection to support XKMS service.

30、If the LDAP client and NIS client are configured on the same machine, then users are not able to create users from the AIX LDAP client.