1、The POSIX lock type is a pthread_mutex.

2、The aim is to move towards 100 percent POSIX compliance.

3、POSIX signal handling is done in kernel space.

4、That's precisely what POSIX condition variables can do for you!

5、It has provided access to POSIX-like systems.

6、Executing amqmfsck to verify that the file system is compliant with POSIX standards.

7、POSIX provides locking and synchronization support through the pthread_mutex data type.

8、Each processor in the cluster provides a POSIX-file-system environment to the application.

9、Let's start by reviewing POSIX threads, which can be either joinable threads or detached threads.

10、POSIX provides five entry points to create, map, synchronize, and undo Shared memory segments.

11、On POSIX systems, the selected locale identifies the encoding expected in all input and output files of a process.

12、Whatever your desired date format is, make sure you use the strftime function from the POSIX module to generate it.

13、Only the errors listed above are required to exist on a POSIX 1003.1-conforming system, anything else is gravy.


15、There are some things that are extremely hard to map from the Windows world to the POSIX world.

16、The POSIX 1003.1 standard defines only one required entry for struct dirent, an array of char named d_name.

17、"The operating system UNIX was written almost exclusively in C, and C has been standardized as part of POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX)."

18、The context object we saw earlier is an example of a uniform POSIX like abstraction around the microkernel called the NetKernel Foundation API.

19、I wish Chapter 3 had mentioned the POSIX strftime function right away in the introduction instead of as an alternative in recipes 3.1 and 3.8.





24、Kornshell符合计算机环境的可移植*作系统接口标准 (POSIX),这是*作系统的*标准。

25、Every POSIX locale, regardless of whether it USES an ASCII single-byte or multibyte UTF-8 character encoding, relies on this character type, provided it is actually using a post-2.2 version of glibc.


27、GNUsed之所以流行不仅因为可以自由分发其源代码,还因为它恰巧有许多对POSIX sed标准便利、省时的扩展。


29、现在,如果必须在UNIXlocale中添加一个或者几个Unicode编码的脚本,那么您会面临一个问题:POSIX locale和扩展的Linux字符串一直是使用8位字节编码的。

30、在初始化path对象时,可以采用本机格式或可移植*作系统接口(Portable Operating System Interface,POSIX)委员会定义的可移植格式提供PATHNAME变量。