1、There's a paper jam in the photocopier.

2、Slack tape may break or jam in the mechanism.

3、Pretty good, but I got caught in a traffic jam in Beijing.

4、I choose something with apricot jam in it, which I find smears of in my notepad later.

5、There was a traffic jam in the city center, and Chenayya had to go over Lighthouse Hill again.

6、In order to solve the worsening problem of traffic jam in cities, and achieve sustainable development of urban traffic, the effective measure is urban rail transit.

7、The relationship between the particular features of scouring and deposition of riverbed and evolution of ice jam in He-qu Reach has been obtained.

8、To improve the traffic operation of the interchanges and surface streets, the reasons that cause traffic jam in this area are analyzed.

9、He was stabbed to death in a traffic jam in Paris when his carriage gets blocked in the center of Paris, and this mad monk sticks a big knife into him.