1、An object-relational mapping (ORM) case scenario.

2、There is no embedded ORM-framework.

3、Active Record is an object-relational mapping (ORM) that follows a standard ORM model.

4、What about when you use an ORM-based framework?

5、Bancorp Governance:Radical Measure for ORM(Operational Risk Management );

6、When writing JDBC queries, ORM relies on manual coding.

7、Research and Implementation of ORM Component in .NET Platform;

8、This really illustrates the magic that is ORM.

9、The most popular data source integration is Compass integration with different ORM tools.

10、It does not have a dependency on any particular ORM or data implementation.

11、This is one of the features of a simple yet powerful ORM.

12、The one exception has been ORM where the approach itself requires a cache to work.

13、It is powerful ORM framework, but it is overkill for such simple task as a sessions management.


15、To deal with this possibility, make sure you use versioning if you are using an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework with this transaction strategy.

16、ActiveRecord是遵照了标准的or m模型的对象关系映*(object - relational mapping,ORM)。


18、Suffice it to say that it has no provision for instrumentation and it does not use any sort of object-relational mapping (ORM) framework.

19、我将首先介绍什么是对象关系映*器(object - relationalmapper,ORM),以及如何创建一对多关系。


21、Now you'll see how the "ORM" in GORM has the flexibility to deal with table and column names in your legacy databases that don't follow standard GORM naming conventions.

22、ORM非常复杂,任何既要和关系型存储交互, 又要和非关系型存储交互的内容都越来越难构建。

23、Part of Spring Modules, JCR module's main objective is to simplify development with the JSR-170 API in a similar manner to that of the ORM package from the main Spring distribution. Features include.

