1、Dynamic and Static language interop.

2、Primary interop assemblies can reference only other primary interop assemblies.

3、A typical interop business scenario

4、Figure 10 illustrates configuring the interop server with interop Settings.

5、Deploying interop assemblies: You can create a standard reference to the interop assembly.

6、By deploying interop assemblies: You can create a standard reference to an interop assembly.

7、For more information about producing and using primary interop assemblies, see primary interop assemblies.

8、Describes how to create and use primary interop assemblies.

9、Interop - More work is going to be done for bug trackers interop with each others to manage relations to upstream / downstream bugs.

10、The interop scenarios are very useful, but certainly not complete (particularly in reliable messaging).

11、For developers, this section describes how to program with primary interop assemblies.

12、Describes the rules that the interop marshaling service USES to marshal data.

13、This tool creates an interop assembly and namespace for the type information automatically.

14、And, naturally, we also have a good number of Windows systems (we are an interop lab, after all).

15、There are two aspects to consider: the interop scenarios we test and the deployment of services based on these specs.

16、On top of that, however, we are adding a number of other small features that further improve the interop experience.

17、Variables with the type dynamic can use custom binders to determine how to call a method at runtime, which would fit well with interop scenarios such as this.


19、Lastly in industry engagement, we are launching an "open source interoperability initiative" to promote interop btw Microsoft software and open source software.

20、The ideal goal here would be to achieve a standard way for such interop to allow different bug trackers to talk to each other.

21、而在 C++interop 中,编程人员可以在代码中认为合适的地方显式封送处理数据。