1、It seems like they're on the upswing.

2、Burglaries in our town have been on the upswing.

3、Articles and blog posts on the subject seem to be on the upswing.

4、But the teen population has bottomed out and is now on the upswing.

5、I can note with pleasure that the relations between our two nations are on the upswing.

6、Anecdotal evidence suggests being buried with a favorite tech device is on the upswing.

7、Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho is convinced Italian football is on the upswing after ac Milan's capture of Ronaldinho.

8、The average Russian man only lives to the age of 61, while women, whose drinking is on the upswing according to the report, live til 74 on average.

9、So after three diplomatic options are against Russia, but has not fundamentally change the situation, finally on the upswing in Russia by the annexation.

10、The sad fact is that music quality and sales are going down while illegal downloading, piracy and needless fancy marketing are on the upswing.

11、And polyester prices are also on the upswing: With the cost of oil climbing (see below), so is the fiber made from it-between 20% and 25%, the Wall Street Journal adds.

12、I want you to understand clearly that America doesn't have to be in decline. America can be on the upswing. We can have better jobs and better pay. We can make this country that we want it to be.