1、What was at the core of it?

2、Was innovation at the core of the project?

3、A service registry is at the core of this principle.

4、But foreign investment remains at the core of his plans.

5、Emperor Longwu and the Zheng Clan were at the core of the Longwu Regime.

6、The Bush family is at the core of the American establishment.

7、We hold that agriculture is right at the core of the new round.

8、A concept at the core of Rexx is juggling multiple stacks or streams.

9、The process would also create large numbers of electrons and positrons at the core of the Milky Way.

10、This repository, at the core of MCS, contains descriptions of hundreds of devices, with each description containing hundreds of attributes.

11、The definition also points out that at the core of dating violence are issues of power and control.

12、This means going beyond placing modules such as the management of change and entrepreneurship at the core of a programme.

13、This apparent paradox is at the core of our fascination with language, and it holds many of its secrets.

14、Our talent for unconscious entrainment lies at the core of dance, a confluence of movement, rhythm and gestural representation.

15、Branding is also at the core of our skills and we dig into brand equity and customer-driven brand equity.

16、Medical quality control is at the core of the various managerial tasks of the hospital and the managerial ideas involved determine the quality of the control.

17、Yet we do measure how critical this aspect is and it is really at the core of our design.

18、None of these characteristics is at odds with more pragmatic goals of functional data processing (which lies at the core of all silicon-enabled products).

19、Disposition of property is at the core of logic structure in crime of fraud, the people of property disposition is the main premise of property disposition.

20、In this article, David Chisnall, author of Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook, looks at what is really at the core of Apple's operating system and where it came from.

21、The same question of when a transaction was a "true sale" was at the core of much of the Enron fraud.

22、The principle of autonomy remains at the core of the modern value system but has encountered many challenges in the reality.