1、SIVAN, Antoine Renaud

2、Renaud and Laszlo come in.

3、But Renaud Leymarie had disappeared.

4、Renaud recalls: "I had no friends.

5、When Helene returned, a short time later, the neighbor called to her: "I'd seen your Renaud."

6、He was Renaud Leymarie, a native of a town in Perigord we shall call Chardeuil.

7、I'm so afraid, Mr Mayor. Renaud, with all his hardboiled appearance, it is a jealous, sensitive man.

8、I sometimes stumbled upon Monsieur Renaud who, wrapped in his cowl like a gluttonous monk, made overtures to me in the language of the sixteenth century.

9、"We are so information obsessed right now that we are constantly trying to find out more, even if it is about our significant other or our colleagues at work, " said Renaud.

10、"It is very surprising the number of people who admitted they had done that," Renaud said in an interview, adding that she believed it was due to the competitive job market.

11、"I know it's my handwriting, but I don't know how I know. I can't explain to somebody else how I do it," says Dr. Karen Renaud, a computer scientist and lecturer at the UK's University of Glasgow.

12、"Ha, ha," said Chateau-Renaud, "here comes some friends of yours, viscount! What are you looking at there? don't you see they are trying to catch your eye?" Albert turned round, just in time to receive a gracious wave of the fan from the baroness;