1、The check for the variables a-z, A-Z, or 0-9 should be exclusive.

2、对 a-z、A-Z或0-9的检查应该是排他的。

3、Instead, get yourself a three-ring binder, some loose-leaf paper and A-Z tabs.

4、I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate.

5、A-Z lies从始至终,皆是谎言

6、The second area is an A-Z listing of all your contacts.

7、We've already specified our limited vocabulary: the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9.

8、A three-year-old boy taught me some Russian by reading from his A-Z picture book.

9、第二个区域是您所有连络人的A-Z 顺序清单。

10、Just imagine everyone in your network internalizing this mindset and fully understanding the power of an A-Z presentation.

11、However, trying to express approximately 46 Hiragana glyphs from the 26-character, A-Z Latin alphabet is somewhat unwieldy.

12、This method will sew together that recognition if you practice this method for 10 minutes every day with the SLOW code A-Z file.

13、Twin-Love exclusively provides various wedding mode, and A-Z service including wedding feast reservation, dish selecting, and wedding dresses lending &selling.


15、您可以使用大写和小写的字母A-Z、数字0-9、下划线 (_)、句点 (.)和两个特殊字符:正斜杠 (/)和百分号 (%)。