31、Taking early ruins of the old Stone Age in Donggutuo as axis and taking 10-25 km as radius,we can confirm the action range of Nihewan ape-man.

32、Majiayao culture, Caiyuan culture and Qijia culture of New Stone Age, an extension of Agriculture in Ningxia, are a Loess Plateau product of Yangshao culture in its west movement.

33、Since 1997, researchers have managed to extract mitochondrial DNA from three Neanderthal skeletons. The genes appear to have diverged from the modern human lineage about 500, 000 years ago, way too early for Stone Age whoopee.

34、In those Stone Age there have been a bumpy one hole, and often rainy day is over, then one after another after another of the hole is a low-lying low-lying water.

35、Shanxi is one of places of origin of Hua Xia Civilization,and its civilization of the New Stone Age plays decisive role in the civilization river of the Chinese history.

36、It includes a review to the brief history of archeological studies on the prehistoric Haidai region, an exposition on the cultural development trails and regional cultural characteristics from the Old Stone Age to Qin Dynasty and dynastic history research on prehistoric culture of Haidai region.