1、DCOM Distributing Component Object Model

2、Specifies that DCOM determines the authentication level.

3、Specifies that DCOM determines the impersonation level.

4、Specifies that DCOM authenticates and verifies the data transferred.

5、Specifies that DCOM authenticates the credentials of the client.

6、Meanwhile, Microsoft is porting DCOM to non-Microsoft platforms.

7、DCOM Technology Used in Water Resource Information System;

8、The Comparative Analysis of CORBA,DCOM and J2EE;

9、Specifies that DCOM verifies that all data received is from the expected client.

10、DCOM and CORBA are both reasonable protocols for server-to-server communications.

11、By default, the DCOM dllhost.exe process that services Document Manager requests stops and restarts between requests.

12、Design and Implementation of the Distributed Multi-tier Architecture Based on DCOM in PSMIS;

13、The paper discusses the state of distributed measurement system and the characteristics of CORBA and DCOM.

14、Format for payload parameter values: in DCOM, the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation (DR).

15、This paper expounds on the distributed object technology and discusses three main distributed objects: CORBA, DCOM and RMI.


17、Research principle of the communication of DCOM and realize the communication between the server side and the client side.


19、Traditional information integration technology, such as CORBA, DCOM, is only satisfied with the merger of the bottom data.

20、Contrast this with the CORBA and DCOM protocols, which are binary, not self-describing, and tough to trace.

21、With the advent of distributed object protocols, such as CORBA, DCOM, and RMI, a more object-oriented view of transactions became desirable.


23、The odds of two random computers being able to successfully make DCOM or IIOP calls out of the box are fairly low (see Resources).

24、DCOM is very different from CORBA because it is built into the operating system and network, and an ORB vendor does not deliver it.

25、If this ID or its password are changed, DCOM will not run and MQ services will not be able to start up.




