1、Using the ppm to install the DBI

2、See the "perltoot" and DBI perldoc pages.

3、To install the DBI module just enter install DBI at the PPM prompt.

4、DBI driver can be used for any RDBMS.

5、DBI defines methods, variables and conventions for database access.

6、The DBI module automatically loads the DBD::DB2 driver when you create a database handle using the DBI->connect statement with the following syntax

7、DBI gives the API a consistent interface to any database that the programmer wishes to use.

8、Check with the Class: : DBI site to see if the standard solution has been released.

9、The Perl DBI module. The instructions in this technical article were tested with the 1.4.3.

10、The file Equation.pm contains all the code necessary to inherit from a Persistent: : DBI class.

11、DBI lets you set a maximum number of bytes to retrieve on each fetch using the LongReadLen connection attribute.

12、To observe the treatment effects of naftidrofuryl (NF) on diffuse brain injury (DBI) in rats by morphometric method.

13、One of the main goals of the DBI is to make the syntax for accessing databases be database independent.

14、Chapter 14, which discusses database access, has been expanded but does not mention the Class: : DBI module.

15、You can also use the DBI interface through the DBD: : Excel module, if you want to import data that way.

16、There is a note following the install directions on these variables if they are required to get ppm to install the DBI module.


18、A different way to access a database using Perl is to use the DBI and the DBD-ODBC module which USES ODBC instead of the native DBD.


20、In order to return the SQLCODE associated with a Perl DBI database handle or statement handle, you can call the err method.


22、当脚本终止并且确保没有出现关于数据库未显式分离的DBI错误消息时, END()子例程就会执行。
