1、Bill: Yeah, die in committee.

2、to die of a disease; to die in one's bed

3、He will probably die in jail.

4、To die in defence of her virtue

5、Women need not die in childbirth.

6、Love is beautiful. If you have it, will you die in the end, die for love or die for love?

7、Would I rather live drunk and die in my dreams than die in my soul?

8、Birds die in pursuit of food, and human Beings die in pursuit of wealth

9、[colloq] to die in one's shoes | to die in one's boots

10、Men die in battle, unfortunately, but they are still heroic and deserve to die.

11、In Pakistan, 1000 women die in honor killings every year.

12、To explode in silence, or to die in it.

13、Better to die in glory than live in dishonor

14、If Vega is lucky, he'll die in the crash.

15、Everyone is born king, and most people die in exile.

16、The poets sing elegy for them with sorrow, but they die for their country, die in their proper place, die tragically and vigorously.

17、If I die, I die in the faith of Christ, and have no fear of everything that comes upon me.

18、In winter greater Numbers of women die in childbirth because they can't get help in time.


20、 Fate and dream are transcendent things. They are born in Xumi and die in Xumi.

21、Several cars are engulfed in flames, and 23 people die in the devastating collision.

22、You don't have to blame yourself. The old man deserves to die. You deserve to die in your hands. Do it!

23、The last matador to die in a bullfight in Spain was Jose Cubero, or Yiyo, in 1985.

24、 Therefore, the soldiers know each other's confidants and never die in a hundred battles. If they don't know each other, they will win or lose one battle. If they don't know each other, they will die in every battle.

25、The paper introduces a calculating method of offset in the reference and unreference of blanking die in WEDM. And based on it, reach an approach to fast program for unreference die.

26、There are many difficulties in estimating the manufacturing cost and production cycle of the die in production quoting due to the uncertainty of the man-hour of die adjusting and testing.

27、The cowering prisoners will soon be set free; they will not die in their dungeon, nor will they lack bread.

28、Without them, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Singapore and millions of people in Japan would probably die in the fighting.

29、 The state-owned Huozhou is located in the South China Sea. There are wildfires on it. They live in spring and summer and die in autumn and winter.