1、Create a JAXB context.

2、Other libraries: JAXB 2, JSTL, commons-logging.

3、JAXB does have some weaknesses, however.

4、Listing 2 illustrates a full JAXB program.

5、Listing 5 illustrates the magic of JAXB.

6、To ease and streamline this mapping process, use JAXB.

7、The JAXB customizations also follow the rules of XML schema.

8、If you want better support for XML schema through JAXB.

9、Now, look at the setup required for JAXB.

10、Partially in response to this feedback they looked into restructuring JAXB, and later updated the Web site with a note that JAXB was being enhanced in several respects.

11、For those cases where you cannot change the schema, JAXB provides another solution.

12、Castor is also expected to support the coming JAXB standard in the future.

13、You can just run ws.bat to generate the required JAXB files.

14、Where you need to work with a data binding technology other than JAXB.

15、Binding frameworks that employ code generation include XMLBeans, JAXB, Zeus, and JBind.


17、Unlike JAXB where bindings are more at the property and parameter level, Aegis can allow to specify a generic binding.


19、These are all freely available, and with the exception of JAXB, are usable in both open source and proprietary projects.

20、Complex data types are first converted into XML using JAXB and then passed to the service invoker.



23、XML序列化机制(基于JAXB 2.0)还用于在不同类加载器之间转换复杂对象。

24、Before diving into JAXB, though, I'll quickly run through the terms from the last article in this series. Here are a few important definitions.

25、By the way, these problems are all indicative of the relatively immature state of data binding, not just JAXB in particular.




29、The annotations (shown in bold) on each class definition and most of the field definitions supply configuration information that JAXB USES to control the conversion of objects to and from XML.

30、Sometimes, however, the JAXB compiler seems to be overly clever in guessing which classes deserve this annotation. If that is the case, the following runtime error message will be displayed.