1、Do we need to cut back?

2、We shall have to cut back on our spending.

3、We oppose any plans to cut back (on) education budget.

4、Financial pressures impel the firm to cut back on spending.

5、He says they used to eat out once a week, but have had to cut back.

6、Energy: Although consumers are likely to cut back, they're not going to stop using energy.

7、You have to decide which product you are going to cut back production on.

8、The government has announced plans to cut back on defense spending by 10% next year.

9、If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to cut back on nonessential items.

10、Universities have been told to cut back too, with already-stingy plans to cover 15, 000 extra undergraduate places cut to just 10, 000.

11、In order for her to go to school, her parents had to cut back on their food and clothing.

12、If you agreed to spend less time golfing or to cut back on nagging, stick to it.

13、"Since then," Toebe said, "she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use."

14、It too has been forced to cut back both its holdings and bets that they might fall.

15、We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.

16、This should keep energy levels on an even keel, making it easier to cut back on sugar.

17、To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

18、The surge in gas prices has forced Kenny Khan to cut back his weekly 100-mile visits to his sister in Cherry Hill, N.J., to once a month.

19、"The city asked us to start thinking about a pilot program to recycle the dog poop in order to cut back adding more waste in landfills," Reid said.

20、A. the quickest way to lower insulin is to cut back on processed carbohydrates and to get the right balance of protein and fat in your diet.

21、If you want to cut back on your hours, work from home on occasion, or get some other benefit that's important to you, ask for a pay cut in exchange.

22、remember to drink plenty of liquids (water is your best and only friend) and to cut back on sweets and sugary drinks. That's it.

23、Half a million, you still have so much money to say, I have to cut back all day, do you have such a mother?

24、In Spain, a country with a more pressing need to cut back, only a fifth of shoppers said they were spending less on food and drink.

25、In practice, the decisions about whether to cut back state stimulus (or apply more) in 2010, and how to do so, will be driven by politics as well as economics.

26、While it may be near impossible to cut back on your workload, see what you can do to balance it with your personal life before you burn yourself out.

27、Similarly in the south west part of the country, decisions were made to scale down the celebration after a number of sponsors were forced to cut back on financial support.

28、That's leading commercial Banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.

29、If China was able to cut back on filling the international market with all the disposable stuff we have to have, zero growth would improve the environment, quality of life, food production, etc.

30、Q. With the country in a recession, your 401(k) losing money and companies laying off workers left and right, you know it would be a good idea to cut back on your spending while you’re at work.