1、Senge describes fie" disciplines" that are ital for a learning organization.

2、What is the capital (or cap-ital city) of your state?

3、The Realization of Identification for the Mouse Imitating Dynamic Dig ital Input

4、They include the fact that the body has enough oxygen to keep ital organs working for a few minutes.

5、The types of strategy in capital operation are industrial capital operation, financial cap ital operation and property right capital operation.

6、Objective To analyse the relationship between the cerebrovascular disorders with dig-ital subtraction angiography (DSA) and clinical manifestations in patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA).

7、Study of copyright of digital image in museum by wavelet multi solution data combination and study of stability of the dig ital display make a better result.

8、Based on the development of partial postgraduate enrollment subsystem module, introduces the technical realization of XML-based data exchange in dig-ital campus construction.

9、Money cannot in itself perform any part of the office of cap ital, since it can afford no assistance to production.

10、Based on analysing the background of appearance of dig ital library, the article introduced digital library's concept and characteristic and influence on traditional library.

11、The increase of the reduced masses as well as the decrease of the bond-angles will ital to the increase of the irregular(chaotic) extents of responding eigenvalue-sp…

12、Hangzhou also served as an imperial capital for 237 years -- first as the cap ital of the State of Wuyue (907--978) during the Five Dynasties Period, and again as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127--1279).

13、The increase of the reduced masses as well as the decrease of the bond-angles will ital to the increase of the irregular(chaotic) extents of responding eigenvalue-spectra of vibrating-energy.