1、The Finno-Ugric language of Estonia.

2、The Finno-Ugric language of the Finns.

3、A member of a Finno-Ugric people inhabiting western Siberia.

4、A branch of Finno-Ugric that includes Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp.

5、A language family that comprises the Finno - Ugric and Samoyedic subfamilies.

6、A member of a group of Finno - Ugric peoples of western Siberia and Hungary, including the Magyars.

7、On rare clearings in this swampy hell a few Finno-Ugric tribes eventually appeared and left many burial mounts behind, with some of them still belowground because of impassibility of the swamp.

8、有趣的是,欧洲的两个非印欧语系的语族——*兰-乌戈尔语[Finno - Ugric](匈牙利语、*兰语和爱沙尼亚语)和巴斯克语[Basque]却根本没有“语法*别”。