1、MSVC (MS-Visual C++)

2、Visual C++ declspec nothrow attribute

3、MFC ODBC Program Technology In Visual C++;

4、Using Visual C# Processing the IKgital Image;

5、Multiview and multidatabase Visual C + + application;

6、Compare of Visual C++ and Delphi/C++ Builder;

7、Using Visual C++ Expend the Function in Kingview

8、Development of GIS Based on MapX Control in Visual C++;

9、Project Planning and Design of Database Based on Visual C+ +;

10、Visual Design Method for AutoCAD Dialog Box by Visual C++6.0;

11、The sample ODBC program must be compiled by an appropriate C programming language compiler, such as Visual C++.

12、The result is that the best optimized code in .NET comes from the Visual C++ compiler.

13、Using the Mscomm Control of Visual C++6. 0 to Realize Serial Communicationfor Comprter and Transducer;

14、The first step is to create a new project in Visual C++

15、For example, you can take a control written in Visual Basic and insert it into a program written in Visual C++.

16、Yet another use of attributes is to set function types, such as cdecl, stdcall, and fastcall, to Visual C++.

17、Computer Simulation of the P Type Radar Indicator with Long Persistence Based on Visual C++ and OpenGL

18、The g++ attribute mechanism is suitable for use in porting platform-specific features in Visual C++ code.

19、开发人员可以利用多种流行的编程语言来编写activex控件,如微软的Visual C++ 5.0,Visual Basic 5.0和Delphi 3.0。

20、The student information management system is based information management system is to use Ms Visual C + + has been prepared by the.

21、We will explore and study how to use memory-mapped files for complete inter-process data sharing by using MFC in Visual C . An example is given.

22、Using Visual C++ programming,realizes the single lane traffic simulation,on ramp/off ramp simulation and ramp control simulation of highway.

23、The features proposed in TR1 will most likely be included in the C++ standard, and their first implementation is found in the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. Some of the features implemented are

24、Whether the code generated by the Visual C++ compiler is MSIL or unmanaged code, the optimizer that generates the code is the same one that has been developed and tuned for over a decade.

25、On Psychology of Visual Form Simplification in Visual Communication Design

26、The trait of open operation and the method of adaptive structuring element go into particulars, and the segmentation of sphere target is settled in special circumstances, and it is programmed with Visual C++ 6.0. At last, segmentation results were compared in several conditions.

27、如果在Visual C++ 中启用了字符串池选项 [/GF],那么在执行期间,将在程序的映像中仅保存该字符串的单个副本,且string1与string2相等。

28、Study about "Visual Approach" Issue in Visual Culture Perspective;

29、The Ultrastructure of Visual Cells, Visual Pathways, and fMRI Studies of Visual and Somatosensory Stimulation-related Cortical Activation;