1、He is a very stingy person.

2、Matt was very stingy and hated spending money.

3、He is very stingy. He won't give one more cent if you want a dime.

4、He is a very stingy person. 2. What a miser! 3. He's not a generous person.

5、There once was a beggar, and in his home town there lived a millionaire. But that person was very, very stingy!

6、I could not bring myself to confront him about it.

7、He is very stingy. On Valentine's Day, other men send roses and diamond rings, but he only gives some cheap jewelry.

8、They both agreed in calling him an "old screw"; which means a very stingy avaricious person. He never gives any money to anybody, they said.

9、So he was very, very stingy! He never gave anyone a penny, not to mention refugees or the Red Cross; he didn't even want to hear about such things. He wanted to keep his money intact.

10、Blachevelle is very stingy; there are hardly any green peas in the market; one does not know what to eat. I have the spleen, as the English say, butter is so dear!

11、Use a Highlighter - Use a highlighter to reinforce ideas you want to remember. I'm very stingy with the highlighter because it does slow you down, so only the important stays.