1、That's an untruthful description.

2、I am disgusted with the untruthful world.

3、The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.

4、I am not selfish enough bloodiness enough and untruthful enough?

5、The improper and untruthful signature in reality falls in three categories, namely, anomie, violation, infringement.

6、A minister, Yeshey Zimba, says the allegations of violence are untruthful propaganda.

7、As for advertisements, many consumers aren't satisfied with them and think most of them are untruthful.

8、Some advertiser announce untruthful information in order to spread their production and service.

9、Eleven percent lied about debt and an equal number were untruthful about earnings, the survey showed.

10、Liars don't generally fidget - in fact, research shows we often stay more physically still when we are being untruthful.

11、This story tell us: When one is believed to be untruthful, no one will take his word.

12、In other words, the idea is that TMS could be used to help distinguish truthful responses from untruthful ones.

13、Every elapsed time uncovered the veils for us, and showed unexpected face, I faced her without hesitation, and dumping former untruthful imagine, although they were so value.

14、The one who like flaunting the wealth, just want to draw attention of others, they may be untruthful, disgusting or invidious, so the misfortune may come with easily.

15、Admit you recognize talking about difficult subjects can be uncomfortable, but you'd rather have a difficult conversation now, than a decaying, untruthful, less intimate relationship later.

16、But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

17、Ironically, even though they were sure the rest of the deposition was untruthful, this one answer they accepted as fact. The fact is, there was no twelve-year affair.