1、I am not over - enthusiastic about golf.

2、He's always been very enthusiastic about sports.

3、He is enthusiastic about folk music.

4、He's always very enthusiastic about offering Suggestions.

5、The imperialists are enthusiastic about the war.

6、Mr. Mercier is enthusiastic about the theory’s potential applications.

7、Washington may be less enthusiastic about the European proposal.

8、You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea.

9、She is enthusiastic about the new teaching method.

10、You didn't seem to be terribly enthusiastic about the performance.

11、Being enthusiastic about something means being ex-cited about a given project.

12、I'm a positive and optimistic person who is enthusiastic about life.

13、Most Gen Ys know they become overly enthusiastic about projects and then get discouraged easily.

14、Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws.

15、The more technical users are enthusiastic about the Query and filter options for the IFC data.

16、No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life.

17、Nevertheless, it is impossible for writers to be enthusiastic, especially when personal misfortunes occur, they need to be enthusiastic about life.

18、But not everyone is enthusiastic about the match, or at least about the air of privilege surrounding the photographs.

19、Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and she's also positive about what the future might bring.

20、-- Individuals are becoming ever more enthusiastic about running children's welfare homes and non-governmental welfare homes are on the increase.

21、 When men are enthusiastic about political struggle, women dream of conquering the world in other ways and purely female ways.

22、A strong, deep line suggests a person who is enthusiastic about life and strives to reach their full potential.

23、The people in the carriage who are enthusiastic about going south and North must be hesitating and complacent.

24、Proponents are enthusiastic about the cheap, green energy; critics worry about the loss of natural beauty and the yearly filleting of thousands of songbirds and ducks.

25、Through a series of internal reforms, we have successfully motivated our staff to become increasingly enthusiastic about exploring new ideas and pursuing excellence.

26、Chou Rainbow, who has entered the model class, seems to have changed a person and become enthusiastic about everything in life.

27、Story takes place in the eighteenth century, Jeff. Dr Hopkins is a small boy, he was eager and enthusiastic about the sea treasure hunt.

28、Edison was more enthusiastic about this work than before. He planned to rebuild a bigger machine, which might completely correct the shortcomings on the first one.

29、Ma is very enthusiastic about studying in the United States something he's dreamed about doing since he was a boy and he is conscious of the academic contrasts between the two countries.