1、Ground squirrels usually live in burrows.

2、Normally timid, they rarely stray far from their burrows.

3、The intertidal beach unit contains some organism burrows.

4、It turns out that it is separated by burrows.

5、Some hoard food in their burrows for winter eating.

6、They have strong front claws and use them to dig elaborate, comfortable burrows very quickly.

7、They help decompose organic matter, and their burrows keep soil drained and ventilated.

8、Linda has more burrows and a greater status among the penguins at the zoo.

9、Carl burrows up from the ground to start at the origin at time 0.

10、small tropical flea; the fertile female burrows under the skin of the host including humans.

11、The market town of Skuon is Cambodia's veritable Spiderville, thanks to a network of tarantula burrows nearby.

12、By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows, local epidemics of this disease could be created.

13、also rodent burrows dug through the lower reaches of the formation and then filled in by later floods.

14、On the edge of the pastureland, at the foot of the mountains, you will see many burrows they have dug.

15、Seawater will also try to infiltrate into the burrows of the bunkers and drown the trapped people.

16、In addition to battles over burrows and lurking predators, an even more grim reality emerged from the 250,000 hours of footage-most crickets have no descendants.

17、terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil; often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet; used as bait by anglers.

18、The bank species was thought to resemble the muskrat in behavior, living in burrows or lodges and unable to build dams.

19、Only one crab lives in a burrow and outside of the breeding season Red Crabs are solitary, and do not tolerate intruders into their burrows.

20、Like a roommate from a horror movie, the beetle sometimes hangs out with its intended victims during the day in burrows or other shelters.

21、Any of various large - footed, ground - dwelling birds of the family Megapodiidae, found in Australia and many South Pacific islands, that build mounds or burrows of earth and compost in which to incubate their eggs.

22、Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably.

23、KNEES and knuckles scraping the ground, the visitors struggle to keep up with the tour guide who is briskly leading the way through the labyrinth of claustrophobic burrows dug into the hard earth.

24、While floodwaters rushing into subway and sewer tunnels might drown the sick, the elderly and new mothers with their young in the burrows, many thousands made it out alive.

25、If the laser beam burrows deeper into the surface of the painting, the sniffer sensor will start to detect traces of paint molecules. It will then remind the restorer not to get too close to the surface and must back off a little.
