1、The system needs transparency and timely information.

2、Provide valuable, timely information to the user, not lots of data.

3、The focus of management accounting is to provide managers with relevant and timely information and reports.

4、The pages act as dashboards, providing you with timely information presented in an appealing manner.

5、Accurate and timely information on space objects is vital for defending a satellite, but also necessary for attacking one.

6、Please give us accurate and timely information. Please get this nightmare power station under control as soon as possible.

7、Moreover, even as some people are spreading garbage, whether deliberately or inadvertently, others are giving us genuine hope for a future that’s rich in trustworthy and timely information.

8、College radio station's former Department of journalists, for the majority of school teachers and students to provide timely information, popular teachers and students alike.

9、With the high-quality and timely information at their fingertips, today's children are rising above the fears and biases of their parents.

10、Is it because you have valuable and timely information or knowledge to share, because you want to talk about a subject that interests you, or maybe because you just think it will be fun to do.