1、The missive remains unwritten and unsent.

2、The missive demanded he stop displaying craigslist content.

3、Whatever the purpose of your missive, say it in the first line.

4、I wait now only for a package from London to finish this missive and have done with this book.

5、Ladies, beware; the next time you receive a missive of love, demand a complete bibliography that lists all sources.

6、It enclosed a short, formal missive to Madame DE Mauves, but the epistle itself was copious and confiDEntial.

7、When the Courier arrived, his head was shaved and the missive was read, giving information about upcoming Persian attacks.

8、With its truncated missive 40 years ago today, ARPANET became the world's first operational packet-switching network.

9、At her room, the wording of this missive occupied her for some time, for she fell to the task at once. It was most difficult.

10、Most of your customers or prospects have no idea someone completely unrelated to your sales organization would take the liberty to send a missive about your intellectual property.

11、There is correspondence with geniuses including Petrarch and Michelangelo, and a missive from that most notorious of cardinal's daughters, Lucrezia Borgia.

12、As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite Courier at the castle gates.

13、At the very same time that all this is happening on various fronts, February 5-6, Jupiter will send a missive to Pluto and will help you do well financially.

14、After dinner he went to a play; and it was not until his return home, after midnight, that he drew Madame Olenska's missive out again and re-read it slowly a number of times.

15、It also included the entirety of CEO Andrew Mason's August memo to employees - a missive that arguably caused the daily deals company to run afoul of quiet period restrictions.

16、Whilst he was hastily packing together a few articles for his journey he glanced over a poor plain missive also lately come to hand - the one from Marian and Izz Huett, beginning.