1、concessions under tax treaties

2、Brest-Litovsk, treaties of

3、(7) Abrogate treasonable treaties;

4、Statesmen make treaties.

5、The Senate confirms all treaties.

6、disarmament and armament limitation treaties

7、copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized

8、Those unfair treaties should be abolished.

9、We don't live up to our treaties.

10、or (4) obligations stipulated in international treaties.

11、Never since there were treaties in the world have such servile treaties been seen.

12、The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties upon China.

13、The treaties of 1815 removed him as a personal offence.

14、The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land.

15、Nations usually enter treaties to help themselves, not others.

16、Parity treaties between equals, but suzerainty treaties are between a suzerain, who has a position obviously of power and authority, and a vassal.

17、Definition: a treaty is an agreement concluded between states and governed by international law. And tax treaties are treaties on international tax.

18、This part undertakes the classification of international treaties on the last part , and forwardly analyzies the defects of the treaties combined with practical problems.

19、To participate in the negotiations with foreign counties for the signing of related judicial assistance treaties and coordinate the implementation of the treaties as the central department;

20、The network’s main goals are to promote regional cooperation and to operationalize provisions in existing treaties.

21、To get off the OECD list, a jurisdiction needs 12 active tax-information-exchange treaties.

22、Kyrgyzstan will implement all the agreements and treaties that have been reached with China.

23、The new levels are lower than under previous treaties, but counting methods are complex.

24、What about the next EU budget, they add, or treaties admitting new countries?

25、In requesting or offering judicial assistance, the procedures spelled out in the international treaties signed or joined by the PRC shall be followed, diplomatic channels shall be pursued in cases where there are no treaties.

26、Conservative ministers and MPs differ over timing (new treaties are not conjured up overnight, ministers have warned backbenchers).

27、Verification is an important means to ensure earnest compliance with arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties.

28、(g) goods covered by international treaties providing for tariff reductions and exemptions which China had entered into or acceded to;

29、If the Navaho and the Sioux had known what was coming for them, they never would have made those treaties.

30、More and more international treaties and laws relating to the protection of geographical indication have been made out.