1、The first is habituation.

2、Exposure may produce olfactory fatigue or habituation.

3、Network game habituation society and mentality origin.

4、The rate of survival after habituation was over 90%.

5、The existence of habituation is important for many reasons.

6、Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.

7、The results showed that the facilitation effect of distractor repetition was caused by habituation.

8、Micro-modified Fulkerson osteotomy for the treatment of habituation patellar dislocation

9、Conclusions Special physical training aimed at vestibular habituation can enhance the stability of vestibular function.

10、Diamondback moth expressed habituation to and induced preference for non-host originated repellents.

11、Along with habituation, which is closely related, spatial memory is another reason why consistency across and within applications is good.

12、This paper explores the developmental level of visual discriminationabilities of new-born babies by utilizing habituation method.

13、It is concluded that the test of visual attention habituation is valuable for the assessment of cerebral function in infants.

14、Unlike habituation, classical conditioning involves learning about the conditions that predict that a significant event will occur.

15、One eof the main reasons is what science calls it "habituation." Which is a fancy way of saying we get bored.

16、"The foot thump shows potential as a deterrent of eastern grey kangaroos. and is less likely to suffer from habituation because it is a natural sound," bender said.

17、Tolerance may lead to habituation, in which the person becomes so dependent on the drug that he or she becomes addicted to it.

18、The relation of habituation and driving birds at airport has been discussed, and some methods of diving birds at airpiort have been introduced.

19、Among them the first election is Agerious'" habitual defence"--- those that make we and others avoid threatening to interact with gob-struck habituation, but it will hinder our study.

20、To test this possibility, Abe and Watanabe took advantage of a behavioral response called habituation, where animals zone-out when exposed to the same stimulus over and over again.

21、If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues to show habituation with the new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is unable to perceive the new stimulus as different.