1、Build a comfort zone.

2、Expand our comfort zone.

3、Scare yourself – Live outside your comfort zone.

4、Every woman's personal comfort zone is different.

5、Your comfort zone has grown in the process.

6、We want people to get out of their comfort zone.

7、Then learn something new. get out of your comfort zone.

8、Obviously, changes destabilize us out of our comfort zone.

9、Engage in activities outside of your comfort zone.

10、Apathy is found within the comfort zone, greatness lives outside of it.

11、But the point is, I was definitely out of my comfort zone.

12、Every time you step out of your comfort zone you're going to feel fear.

13、Once you’ve gone past your comfort zone, it’s easier to do it again.

14、These can be excuses for staying within our corporate comfort zone.

15、Stretch outside your comfort zone every once in a while and see where the adventure takes you.

16、When you finally break the patterns of unconscious thinking and move out of your comfort zone you become more invincible.

17、Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can't grasp now.

18、I like to shoot for fifteen goals. For me it's a good number that's just outside of my comfort zone.

19、Teen Dream is a stirring reminder that good things can happen when you move out of your comfort zone.

20、Note that this often means leaving your comfort zone by acting on tasks that you don't naturally like or feel competent in performing.

21、A sound business case is a powerful tool for staying Agile when others may want to revert back to a flawed but familiar comfort zone.

22、Varying your routine will give you that little boost needed to get you out of your comfort zone and initiate change.

23、Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it 走出你的*窝,去冒险吧,你会发现一切都是值得的。

24、The rotational diffusion of bacteriorhodopsin at different temperature and different amount of protein in membrane were measured by the technique of flash-induced transient dichroism.

25、Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it.(勇敢地从舒适圈挣脱出来吧,回报一定是值得的。)

26、Fear rears its head when people attempt to move beyond their comfort zones.