1、Another example deals with certain durable consumer goods since consumers only infrequently purchase expensive goods like a car or home.

2、However, the economic crisis has had a severe impact on consumer spending on expensive goods.

3、It is more extravagant to lie idle those expensive gears than buying them out. Therefore, used expensive goods sales are increasingly the rage as a handful of people have similar problem.

4、In short, if there's such a thing as a true price level, it cannot be altered by expensive goods anymore than cheap imports can drive it down.

5、The American mall is surrounded by large parking lots, with expensive goods from all over the world dazzling with flashing lights to greet customers.

6、Since currencies should trade at the rate that makes the price of goods the same in each country, purchasing-power is a good indicator of how expensive goods are.

7、The poor are eager to buy valuable goods. They want to be rich. The rich buy expensive goods to distinguish themselves from the poor. This is called Weilunbu's theory.

8、That said, the 2% by volume that goes by air accounts for around 35% of the value: light, expensive goods such as high-end electronic components tend to be flown.