1、The courtship ritual of frogs.

2、The courtship ritual renews their pair bond after months of roaming the Southern Ocean. ?

3、Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and a metaphor for love.

4、Adelie penguins, for instance, employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.

5、These aquatic birds might just have the most famous courtship ritual of them all!

6、A woman for example might "play hard to get, " a courtship ritual that her ancestors used, too.

7、This contact may help to maintain order within a group, and stroking or touching are part of the courtship ritual in most species.

8、Our courtship rituals are rapidly changing, and we don't know what to do.

9、Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, like this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.

10、It were Charles Darwin who first suggested dance were part of courtship rituals, event confirmed in nightclubs eVery abundance weekend.

11、The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals.