1、continue doing sth in spite of difficulties

2、but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that.

3、We shall be happy to have American merchants continue doing business with China.

4、So today, I just want to continue doing some statistical thermodynamics.

5、Asfor me, I can't wait to get back on the court to continue doing what Ilove to do.

6、We may not fully benefit from planting trees for the time being, but we must continue doing so, since it will benefit later generations.

7、So, what will be easier for you, to continue doing what you are doing, plodding along in desperate silence, OR spend time transforming the issues that prevent you from having your desires?

8、The best contribution President Bush can make for the Bali process is to continue doing what he has done best on climate change: nothing.

9、If consumers continue doing business online, operators surely will not close their outlets, unless the businesses fail because of poor performance.

10、All in all I'm happy, I will try to continue doing well in the future and be ready to play whenever necessary.

11、Markram is working to develop a model of the human brain because it is a key step to our understanding of the neo-cortex, and scientists cannot continue doing animal experimentation forever.

12、If we are to continue doing business with you we must ask for a reduction in price in price in order that we may achieve a higher volume of sales.

13、From that you find a relationship between that idea and another idea. You continue doing this path until you get back where you started or reach a dead end.

14、Taking this analogy a little further, if one needle had to sew on a button (blocking I/O), the other needle could continue doing other useful work even if the other needle took 4 hours to sew on a single button.