1、The superblock is a structure that represents a file system.

2、These objects are the superblock, inode, dentry, and file.

3、The superblock is the container for high-level metadata about a file system.

4、Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!

5、In memory, the superblock provides the necessary information and state to manage the active (mounted) file system.

6、Each superblock contains schools, parks and a number of subsidiary groups of houses built around parking lots.

7、The superblock is typically stored on the storage medium but can be created in real time if one doesn't exist.


9、On disk, the superblock provides information to the kernel on the structure of the file system on disk.

10、It doesn't take much to make a superblock dirty, cause fragmentation, mess up inodes, or cause repeating JFS errors in the errpt.

11、If you use a combination of the 7 types of pieces to create the superblock, then a silver super block will be created.

12、This takes a single argument defining the reference to a file system structure (file_system_type), which defines the name of the file system, a set of attributes, and two superblock functions.

13、What is going to happen is that the RAID superblock is going to be written on the devices, marking them with a higher order hierarchy than just physical partitions.