1、Digital Rights Expression Laguage (REL) is the kernel of Digital Rights Management.

2、Researching and lmitating of the REL-51 Radar Signal Processing Rack;

3、SUPPRESS or REL controls are used to correct for external current offsets.

4、The concept of the representative elementary length (REL) and its coordination meaning are presented for the first time.

5、Three ulcerative colitis susceptibility loci are associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis and indicate a role for IL2, REL, and CARD9


7、REL 4 is NOT playing for fine, its not your store level that you can take back actions, you have to pay for whatever you have already done…

8、An easy way to do this is to enable the REL function after zero check is disabled, which nulls out the charge reading caused by the hop.



