1、Fatness renders a person clumsy.

2、Acid 2 test -renders correctly.

3、His fatness renders him lazy.

4、The skin renders the portlet content.

5、What renders authority legitimate or respectable?

6、The final phase renders the HTML response.

7、Line renders are amazing looking renders that are often used on wallpapers or photo manipulations.

8、Brand name renders you limitless business opportunities in other fields.

9、This action renders the chart for the selected employee.

10、Then the browser renders the page for the user.

11、This immediately renders all your documents in standards mode.

12、A static page that renders the complete browser content.

13、As the browser renders the HTML, it will notice tags that require fetching of other URLs.

14、Testing how fonts will renders on your design is sometimes a fastidious operation.

15、It renders XML obtained from the server on the browser side.

16、ECM Widgets renders the user interface according to the configuration data.

17、Services represent one or more operationally significant functions that one node renders to another node.

18、Literature, by forcing us into a dramatic awareness of language, refreshes these habitual responses and renders objects more 'perceptible'.

19、But thought, as thought, constitutes only the general medium, or qualifying circumstance, which renders the Idea distinctively logical.

20、This means that each time you revisit the page, it renders immediately without having to be reconstructed.

21、At 14, Calliope Stephanides discovers she has a rare recessive mutation that renders her a pseudo-hermaphrodite.

22、The Litchfield School District renders its most sincere apology to our students, parents, community and staff for this incident.

23、The screen reader then renders that information using specialized text-to-speech hardware, software speech synthesizers, Braille displays, or some combination thereof.

24、When you enable the module, its installer adds the Flitter table, makes the content type available to qualified users, and renders flits to specification.

25、The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs renders it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.

26、Next, you have a PHP foreach loop, which loops through each outputted line and renders it nicely into XHTML, ready for the browser to display.

27、It loads images, renders the display, responds to user actions (mouse and keyboard events), and controls the whole process of the game.

28、This store, only a small grocery two years ago, has now developed into a large commercial Building, which handles goods great in variety, numerous in specification and good in quality, and renders excellent services.

29、This market has Been rated as a "reliaBle market"Because of the great variety, various specifications and good quality of the goods it handles, and excellent services it renders.

30、This means you need to set up a default route for the application that renders no text of its own and just displays the layout with the main navigation.