1、Generally this paper is divided into three large pieces, introduction, the main and the finis.

2、In all things the word finis must be written in good season;

3、The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time usually in...

4、The story is far from complete because the finis is not yet written.

5、The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time usually in seconds .

6、It's a very sad story, I was moved by the sincere feeling, I hope they can get together this life. I want to change the finis.

7、J'ai quitté Paris et même la France, parce que la tour Eif??fel finis??sait par m'ennuyer trop.- 我离开巴黎,甚至离开法国,因为埃菲尔铁塔终于让我烦透了。