1、All the contributors are credited on the title page.

2、The author's name is printed on the title page.

3、What do you see on the title page?

4、Frontispiece illustration on the page facing the title page of a book.

5、The title of a book printed at the top of the first page of the text or on a full page preceding the main title page.

6、The lever arch file is identified by title page and spine which quote the document title and unique file number.

7、The title of a newspaper or periodical as it appears across the first page, front cover, or title page of each issue.

8、Enter the title for your site: This title will be shown on the title page of the browser, in addition to other places.

9、A large gatefold map precedes the title page, but a smaller version is reproduced on each two-page spread.

10、From title page to colophon, love gave the novel vigoroso life spirit and moral strength.

11、Check the appearance to ensure that the title page and the appropriate format are available.

12、On the title page include the full names and affiliations of all authors.

13、Customized title page with some fields providing information extracted from the model.

14、This meaningful name has become a cultural symbol and remains in the title page of history.

15、For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, 'title page' means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

16、To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.

17、The compass card available here is the original of an identical card that graces the title page of the book.

18、The title page of the diary records my missing tears, which are slowly dried up like water, leaving me alone, hiding in the dark corner with fragmented emotions.

19、The Microsoft Word master document will contain static parts such as the title page, revision history and the table of contents.

20、However, I firmly believe a new friend is like a new unopened book, I wish to use my sincere opened the book's title page.

21、"You remind me of an old, old friend," he told her, as he wrote swiftly and carefully on the title page.

22、 Life is like a heavy book. The title page is our dream. The catalogue is our footprints, the content is our wonderful, and the postscript is our look back.

23、The title page of early spring has just been opened, but no, plum blossom she lightly decorated the sparse branches, a drunken red paper, a moment to open the preface of the new spring.


25、What has been said is lost and forgotten. It has been yellowed on the title page of time. My heart has been blooming like a lotus since my farewell. I taste this cup of tea alone.

26、The night wind, quietly, buried the old dream, close to the thick and uneven past, only in the title page engraved with a long time unforgettable engraved, pillow a thread of sweet and sweet sleep. In the next world, waiting to look back suddenly. This life, read you, the vicissitudes of life!

27、Like to sit in such a time, not disturbed, write down the clear and comfortable writing, also like the warm sunshine at the moment, the golden light from the window, sprinkled on the shoulders, hair, the title page, warm and soft.