1、Electrical positives attract electrical negatives.

2、You might even discover some unexpected positives.

3、False positives and failures are common.

4、But investors shouldn't ignore Google's positives.

5、Look for positives in your everyday life.

6、The second strategy is to think about your mate's positives and the positives in your marriage.

7、But there were positives - and Aquilani was one of those.

8、Focusing on life's positives can help you feel grounded.

9、They focus on the positives: thinning traffic jams, lower rents.

10、When he knows those positives and negatives he can find a way to maximize the positives and minimize the negatives.

11、So, I sat down and listed the positives and negatives of my life and found I had far more positives than negatives.

12、Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

13、The false positives are 516, and the false negatives are 710 in this matrix.

14、Finally, in the "Confusion Matrix," it shows you the number of false positives and false negatives.

15、There are also likely to be many false positives among the genes that seem favored.

16、But they might actually be minor nuisances by comparison to all the positives.

17、With this, the number of false positives can be reduced by measuring the degree of similarity between names.

18、I had a few somewhat vague heuristic ideas that are both hard to implement and could give false positives.

19、The positives I mentioned coupled with some cool funny goku moments like eating a massive turkey etc.

20、Fogged negatives or insufficient density in positives, particularly in the highlights or in fine printing detail, may cause this problem.

21、Through information fusion of the evidence theory module, false positives are decreased and the detection rate is improved.

22、Thesystem detected 99.4 percent of the eggshell cracks while recording almost no false positives—0.3 percent—for an overall accuracy of 99.6 percent.

23、Mrs Clinton starts off with unusually high positives: she is beating potential Republican rivals such as John McCain and Rudy Giuliani in head-to-head polls.

24、The problem is, these tests for blood in the stool( lab and home) have quite a high rate of false positives and false negatives.

25、Objective To help the HIV positives and their relatives, and those who fear HIV and high dangerous people to face HIV examination rightly, thus to accept it properly.

26、It is a pattern of thinking learned at our mothers' knees. It grows out of thousands of cautions or encouragements, negative statements or positives ones.

27、The empirical results manifest that the system can achieve a higher detection rate and a low rate of false positives, with adaptability and scalability, and effectively reduce the demand for memory.

28、Event correlation systems that attempt to analyze and correlate audit data from disparate sources try to fill this role, but they often end up generating more false positives than anything else.

29、The experiment result shows that this work decreases the occurrence of false positives and abusive alert with little effect on the real-time of alert, and the veracity and rationality of alert are improved.

30、Let's take this a step further and interpret the results in terms of false positives and false negatives, so you can see how the results from WEKA apply in a real business sense.