1、Sponge up the spilled milk

2、Please wipe up the spilled milk.

3、The cat licked up the spilled milk.

4、It is no use crying over spilled milk.

5、The cat licked up all of the spilled milk.

6、It's useless, as I always say, to cry over spilled milk.

7、There is no regret medicine in the world. Don't cry over spilled milk.

8、Blessed are parents who make their peace with mud and spilled milk, for of such is the kingdom of childhood.

9、New Mom wide caliber streamlined glass milk bottle bottle mouth wide, and in tone when milk spilled milk powder not easily with characteristics, and clean rise is also very convenient.

10、I'm sorry that you broke the glass, Andy. But there is nothing that can be done now. Don't cry over spilled milk.

11、Then visit the protests being staged by dairy farmers across Europe (tread carefully, as these usually involve burning hayricks, spilled milk and a clutch of confused cows).

12、So if the old adage about getting your beauty sleep is true, what does that mean for watched POTS never boiling, or crying over spilled milk?

13、"We must do something about Grandfather," said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor."

14、These are simple guides that you could follow so you won't go home crying over the spilled milk, but you'll be able to create hot and fun-filled memories beyond the scorching effect of the sun.

15、妈妈总是告诉我们thereisnousecryingover spilled milk(不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣),意思是不要为已经发生,并无法挽回的不好的事情而生气。