1、I followed the jugglers and I stood by idly.

2、Below, the crowd was flinging COINS at the jugglers.

3、Then the king asked the jugglers and the others, but no one knew anything about me.

4、This enabled researchers to pin down the degree to which the job itself sends jugglers over the edge.

5、Still other jugglers try to hide early departures from the office to grab a little more time at home.

6、There are also movie screenings by the beach, Friday-night firework shows, and circus trapeze artists and jugglers.

7、And let us order magicians and jugglers and dancing girls and flute players, all to be on board tomorrow night.

8、The big temple courtyard, as was the custom, was crowded with the stalls of itinerant pedlars and the paraphernalia of acrobats and jugglers.

9、Men who had lounged about all night in smock-frocks and leather leggings came out in silken vests and hats and plumes as jugglers or mountebanks.

10、In his classic study of managerial work in 1973 Henry Mintzberg compared managers to jugglers: they keep 50 balls in the air and periodically check on each one before sending it aloft once more.

11、 Street jugglers are gathered in the street, there are Huashuangcuju, rolling wood, lingering, water puppets, swallowing knives and spitting fire, three layers inside and outside the spectators, shouting loudly.