1、a freakish extra toe.

2、She's covering something up, and it's that freakish, disqualifying digit.

3、We tend to marvel at their freakish gifts, but we should marvel even more at their freakish devotion.

4、What, is this just like a freakish coincidence, or did you know she takes this train?

5、"We were regarded as slightly freakish," says John Ridding, the newspaper's chief executive.

6、There is a freakish misconception that he is rich, but this is every incorrect.

7、The losses were the freakish effects of fallout blown in from Japan, proclaimed CDU and FDP spin doctors.

8、It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again.

9、Moaning that you never cook dinner, and then getting all control freakish when you try to take over the kitchen.

10、Journalists who have followed him describe his "inner gyroscope", his almost freakish ability to stay steady - like a man able to lower his blood pressure at will.

11、It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing!

12、The Smith, this fabled Hammer, proved to be a freakish-looking hulk with a left arm that appeared twice as thick as his right.

13、The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish afterlife.

14、Chapter Two analyzes the authenticity reflected in o 'connor's stories by examining the grotesque images that are freakish either physically or mentally.

15、restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit; famed for his eccentric spelling; a freakish combination of styles; the outlandish clothes of teenagers; outre and affected stage antics.

16、"But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favour to the clergyman."