1、Summons for military service

2、system of military service

3、He dodged his military service.

4、His military service was deferred.

5、Poor health exempted him from military service

6、It is dishonorable to shirk military service.

7、One's meritorious military service is illustrious

8、He was exempted from military service.

9、A term of service, especially of military service.

10、action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service.

11、In contrast to the fief military service system, money fief military service system gained the corresponding military service through the way of providing a sum of money.

12、He's completed 30 years of active military service.

13、call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc..

14、an annual intake of 100000 men for military service

15、He was discharged from military service on account of disablement.

16、a federal agency that administers compulsory military service.

17、The revision of the Law of the PRC on Military Service System has further improved China's military service system.

18、land tenure by agricultural service or payment of rent; not burdened with military service.

19、Jackson continued his military service until he accepted a professorship at the Virginia military Institute in 1851.

20、and directing the militia, military service, mobilization, civil air defense and battlefield construction work in the military area.

21、When an officer retires from military service, his rank shall be preserved and identified as "retired".

22、Persons deprived of political rights by law may not perform military service.

23、Many infantry officers retired after two or three years of mandatory military service.

24、Israel is the only country in the world that applies the compulsory military service women.

25、Article6 The units in which reserve officers work shall support the reserve officers in their participation in military training and performance of military duties or other obligations of military service, and render assistance in the administration of reserve officers.

26、Unpaid military service has been scaled down and, unlike General Pinochet's conscript-packed army, all national-service places are now filled by volunteers.

27、Sixteen days later he failed a physical and psychological exam and was given a Selective Service Class of 4-F (unfit for military service). [9]

28、To have military service tech and civil service tech industrialized will serve national defense and state economic construction well, and it will bring benefits to the military research institutes.

29、Is utility - is use the only proper way of treating goods, including life, military service, procreation, childbearing?