1、Zappos has a lot of growth potential.

2、There is growth potential in certain African markets.

3、Innovation holds the key to fundamentally unleashing the growth potential.

4、Or buy some land in an area with growth potential.

5、Therefore, the proposal from middle-growth, a growth potential, recent signs of accelerated growth of the fund choice.

6、Objective to investigate a new method to promote the growth potential of cartilage autograft.

7、It had a strong management team, an established product and exceptional growth potential.

8、We expect there is going to be a sizeable growth potential for this product.

9、It's a disruptive idea brimming with growth potential - and a strategy more Asian companies should follow.

10、Root water potential and root growth potential had strongly correlated, and should be considered as the main indicators for physiological and vigor.

11、While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.

12、As a general rule, though, Winners stay Winners because they start building their next growth business before the growth potential of their core business shows signs of disappearing.

13、But without Opel, GM's strong position in the big emerging markets with the highest growth potential would be undermined.

14、It is the market size and growth potential that turn out to be the chief reasons for investment influx.

15、Despite the upbeat outlook for Asia, Bisignani warned the region to press on with liberalisation or miss its growth potential.

16、An enterprise's growth potential full insufficiency, are the prospect good, each staff highly pays attention regarding this.

17、That kind of growth potential led HSBC to identify China above India and other emerging markets as the richest potential seam of big spenders in the next few years.

18、The “growth potential is big right now in this core search market” and the new products are “still leveraging their search capabilities.

19、The fund will mainly invest in hi-tech companies and those with huge growth potential, including leading agricultural firms, said Shan Xiangshuang, President of CSM Group.

20、U this breed for autumn production special varieties, growth potential is strong, branching medium, Lord tendril knot melon, continuous fruit-set ability.

21、The fact that China's GDP per head is much lower than Japan's in the 1980s suggests that its growth potential over the next decade is much higher.

22、Aimed at dismantling the economic straitjacket and unlocking the growth potential, the reform program put China on the path to modernization and prosperity.

23、It is fulfilled that it is gradual that it is promised that WTO is open, China's economy grows at top speed, the growth potential of air tour market is enormous.

24、Significant events, such as the grant of the right to Beijing to host the 2008 Olympic Games and the impending entry into the WTO, clearly signify the tremendous growth potential of China.

25、Shepody has stronger growth potential than Gaoyuan No. 7, but the latter has 3.85 more stolons. The tubers' number and weight of Gaoyuan No. 7 is 1.49 and 1.21 times of Shepody.

26、We managed to secure Wuhan Helicopter as our first customer within six months of our Wuhan office opening, which is indicative of the huge growth potential of the helicopter market in Central China.