1、A common reason is the portable office.

2、That's a common reason for midlife divorces, Orbuch said.

3、Poor planning is the most common reason of these problems.

4、"Unibrow" is the most common reason young men get electrolysis.

5、The most common reason in a development environment is that a parameter is missing or unrecognized.

6、Probably the most common reason for using composite keys is for backwards-compatibility.

7、The most common reason afternoon procrastination hits is because your tasks are not clear.

8、The first and most common reason entrepreneur should write a business plan is funding.

9、Objective: To explore the common reason of hallux eversion operation failure.

10、Breus said the most common reason people have trouble falling asleep is that they cannot turnoff their mind.

11、The most common reason was "better standards" at private schools, cited by 66 per cent of parents.

12、Presently unifies the clinical practice and the related literature, slightly analyzes the endocrine disease result diarrhea shallowly the common reason.

13、The most common reason problems aren't perceived is what I call the "frog in the boiling water" problem.

14、The most common reason for using transactions in an application is to maintain a high degree of data integrity and consistency.

15、A common reason for procrastination is lack of ideas, when dealing with any kind of tasks, that mildly requires some creativity.

16、Eating on the weekends was the next most common reason (20%) while in seventh place was people enjoying "me time" (18%).

17、The low blood keeps out the most common reason is the insulin responded, was also the diabetic has used excessively many insulins.

18、We sat down with Dr. D to talk about the most common reason for visits to the doctor this time of year: a wicked cough.