1、They're putting up placards.

2、advertise esp. by posters or placards.

3、The wall was posted with placards.

4、The protesters sang songs and waved placards.

5、They were carrying placards and banners demanding that he resign.

6、Big placards bearing welcome slogans are posted along the street.

7、A group of protesters, chanting and carrying placards, waited outside.

8、someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards.

9、Some fasted beside Mr Hazare. Others marched with candles and placards.

10、I tell them about placards from the 1948 referendum that I'd seen in the local museum.

11、No banners signs flags or placards may be displayed or distributed in aisles.

12、Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.

13、Waving placards and appetising images of aubergines, known in India as brinjal, they shouted themselves hoarse praising the transgenic vegetable.

14、A few protesters are waving placards wishing for Mr Obama's death. Others are ostentatiously wearing firearms outside his rallies.

15、While some asked whether the NAACP was still relevant, others gathered outside the Valley Club with placards.

16、English signboards and placards are placed in busy streets and shopping malls in Shanghai, which was very helpful.

17、For days placards had been pasted on every wall and displayed in every shop announcing the glad news.

18、Students hold placards of best wishes for examinees who will attend the college entrance exam at a middle school in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

19、"One day I was walking across campus, going to another building, and I saw a bunch of placards out," she said.

20、The post of DG(Dangerous Goods) placards are extremely strict in US trade, failed to follow up the regulation will cost extra cost and delivery delay.

21、You read the placards as you walk along, and I guess most of the coast was covered with redwoods at one time, but they've been destroyed to make way for people.

22、Still this old man set out on this truly religious journey, with no better means of locating his brother than pasting placards on city gates and inns wherever he went.

23、When Park Chung-hee seized power in 1961, the junta marched many of the racketeers through Seoul wearing dunce caps and placards with slogans such as "I am a corrupt swine".