1、To amount to; total.

2、"How much may it amount to?"

3、Their traveling expenses amount to 2000 dollars.

4、Please remit the amount to our account.

5、His investments amount to five million dollars.

6、Please charge the amount to my account.

7、Without interest, the amount in today's money would amount to $14 billion.

8、Is this what I want my life to amount to?

9、9the merchant requests the amount to be paid to him.

10、Not so long ago utility bills didn't amount to much.

11、Yesterday's numbers amount to a very cold shower.

12、Good intentions amount to nothing without a plan of action.

13、The user enters the amount to be transferred.

14、Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism.

15、If the amount so calculated is negative, you will pay such amount to us in accordance with clause 17.1.

16、Specify the minimum amount to be raised for the funds to be released to the issuer.

17、Quickly and easily convert given amount to up to 3 foreign currencies!

18、Expenses incurred to prevent threatened damage amount to recoverable damage in so far as reasonably incurred.

19、Usage: Take appropriate amount to face gently pat to complete absorption.

20、A simple PHP call to convert the dollar amount to a number is shown below.

21、Directions: After cleaning, daub proper amount to skin evenly, clap to promote full absorption.

22、Now the broker would turn over to you the amount he had received from the buyer, only withholding a small amount to pay for his service.

23、For example, if you are making steel, it costs a medium amount to make your first piece of steel and then a significant amount for each additional piece.

24、The buyer may give more than one successive Notice of Physical Settlement provided that the cumulative amount to be delivered does not exceed the Notional Amount.

25、Software business enterprise amount, industry scale in Zhejiang province, software work power register an amount to reside whole country the fourth.

26、Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;

27、What do these constellations of work colleagues and long-lost friends amount to?

28、The commission he received last year amount to more than his basic salary.

29、But paradoxically, it does not amount to a win for Europe's native English-speakers.