1、Key removable in locked position only. Spring loaded clip-in pawl.

2、Please put your seat and tray table in upside and locked position.

3、Key removable in locked position only. Spring loaded clip - in pawl.

4、He shut the sliding glass door, and I watched the bar that locks it accidentally slide into locked position.

5、With the technology of the unique all-directions locked position& no-gap opening protection, all products have the multi-functions with anti-impact, fireproof, warm and environment protection.

6、The operator selects which of the two clamping sections utilized by the actuator can be transitioned and locked position thereby securing the rail to the first clamping member.

7、Ross Perot turned Electronic Data Systems into a giant. But his two runs for the presidency left most Americans with the impression that his tray table is not in the fully upright and locked position.